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We welcome you to our state-of the art system, developed to meet your job hunting needs, while keeping in mind your busy schedule. Job hunting is dedicated work and requires a lot of time and energy and sometimes leaves us frustrated and upset. We understand that your time is precious and your life’s priorities may not always allow you to keep tabs on the latest job opportunities available out there.
This is where Career. VI’s job agent can assist you. While applying for jobs on Career VI will always remain free, the job agent can provide you with the additional edge that can give you that special edge that only an automated job agent can give you.
What is Job Agent?
Job Agent is a fully automated yet personalized system that gives your job search an extra punch. By setting up your customized job agents, you let the system apply for specified jobs on your behalf. Remember! Every action of the job agent is based on your preference; needless to say, your wish is Job Agent’s command! You can set up one or more job agents by associating your resumes with your specified island, job title and industry. Once a job agent is set up, the system starts applying for jobs that meet your specified criteria, 24/7 year around without having you to lift a finger. Isn’t this truly a magical Agent?
How does Job Agent Work?
Job agent set up is very simple and takes no more than two minutes of your time, as you set up a few basic preferences. You may have one or more resumes that you normally use to apply for various jobs. Job agent takes your specified resume and attaches it with your desired job title and industry on the island of your choice.

You may have two resumes A and B. At this point you could even upload a combination of those two resumes as Resume C.

Job Agent will ask you to choose your resume or upload any as the first step. Lets say you choose Resume A. Then it will ask you to associate your resume with the island of your choice. Let’s say you choose Island of St. Croix. At the third Step, you will be asked to associate your resume A with your desired industry. Remember, this is the industry in which you seek to get your dream job! Let’s say you choose Tourism as the industry. Note that every industry category may have sub categories so make sure you choose the right end category by clicking on the circle next to it. After this step, you will be asked to associate your resume A with any job title in that industry. For instance, you choose Marketing Manager as the job title. Remember, you can only associate your resume with one job title and one industry and one island at a time. Once you submit, you have successfully set up your first Job Agent! Yippie! See it’s very easy and doesn’t take much of your time. However, the benefits are much greater.

If you wish to set up additional job agents with the same resume but different island or different industry and job title or with different resume and same industry and job title etc, you can do so by repeating the same steps. This way you can set up any combination of resume, island, industry and job title you wish for.

Now, whenever a job opening is posted by an employer that matches your island, industry and job title preferences, Job agent automatically emails your resume to the employer while sending you an email of that action.

Remember! Each job agent applies for up to 10 jobs that meet your preferences. Once a job agent is expired, you can make another job agent or renew the same. You can also deactivate any job agent any time.

Buy Credits
Competitor Cart Credit System
You get an extra punch and 24/7 job application services suited to your preferences by hiring one or more Job Agents. Here are few important benefits of hiring a Job Agent:
Never miss a job opening anymore.
Peace of mind that your Job Agent is working for you even when you are not.
Highly efficient system on your side to help you apply for more jobs.
Costs a lot less if you value your own time and would prefer to save those endless hours of job searching.
Gives you freedom and more time to yourself.
Provides you with an automated personalized assistant.
Helps you get your dream job.
Job Agent feature is designed to meet your needs while not breaking your bank. This cost effective, highly efficient feature only uses 5 credits while giving you much higher value and peace of mind. With up to 10 jobs applied by each Job Agent you set up, it only costs you of a credit for each job application, a truly great value which is cheaper than sending your resume automatically via postal service.
If you dont wish to use our Job Agent service, its your choice! Applying for jobs is absolutely FREE if you apply for them on your own.
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