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Welcome to the Virgin Islands most powerful job website! Career.VI is a subsidiary of BIZVI, Virgin Islands leading technology, research, marketing, and training company. It started off as an internal project but quickly evolved into a 21st century market based job system. Packed with robust human resource solutions both for employers and job seekers, this website is absolutely FREE for all! Simply register online and start submitting the vacancies available with your company/organization as they show up. We are currently in the process of encouraging all employers to upload their jobs in order to develop a strong database on Career.VI. Our marketing specialists have designed a powerful marketing campaign based on local radio and newspaper advertisements as well as many promotional activities to get you the maximum benefit from Career.VI. We strongly believe that your presence on Career.VI will not only get you better exposure in the job market but will also provide better return on your invested time. As we go along, you will find continuous improvements in our website with the additions of many powerful features to help you do your job better! We welcome you to a new era of job market search and human resource management. Best Regards, Career.VI Team

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