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May 20, 2008 - Career.VI signed an agreement with the Virgin Islands Daily News, territory's largest newspaper, for marketing Career.VI website. This one year agreement will provide advertising spots both on print and online mediums of the publication. Through the news medium, Career.VI hopes to build awareness amongst the job seekers and employers about this great new job platform. April 01, 2008 - Career.VI launched its radio campaign on the islands' leading radio stations Isle 95.1 and Sunny 99.5. This campaign will run for 6 months on both stations. Career.VI has also started a joint marketing effort with Isle 95.1 to promote jobs in the Virgin Islands with the introduction of "Job or No Job" segment. Every month one lucky job applicant will be given a brand new iPod and every quarter a brand new laptop will be given to a lucky person who got a job through Career.VI. February 16, 2008 - Career.VI at Agriculture Fair 2008: Career.VI participated today in Agriculture Fair 2008, a three day event which normally attracts more than 30,000 people. Career.VI had a profile interview and picture placed in the February issue of Virgin Voice. This is the first edition of Virgin Voice after their partnership with Seaborne Airlines as their only in pocket magazine. Syed Gilani will be on Money Talk and More, on AM 970 Wednesday evenings from 6-8PM EST. Career.VI joined Facebook on Friday February 8, 2008 and has networked with over 100 friends in less than one week. Join our Career.VI group and talk more about the future and workforce in the Virgin Islands. Feb 4th, 2008 – Website Launch of www.Career.VI with an outpouring of great response. Career.VI was launched in beta format.

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