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Terms Conditions

Please read this web page carefully. It contains the Terms and Conditions as they pertain to the Career.VI Website. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions or you do not meet or comply with the requirements and condition of terms as listed on this page,  you may not use the Career.VI website. If you are an employer using this website, you may have entered into a Service Agreement with Career.VI, which binds you to these Terms and Conditions, including all Exhibits. By accessing and using the Career.VI website, you automatically agree to these terms and conditions and therefore use the website at your own risk. These Terms and Conditions are effective as of January 1, 2008.

Age Restrictions.

You must be at least 16 years of age to explore the Career.VI website. Some positions require you to be at least 18 years of age. All users of Career.VI are asked at registration if they are at least 16 years of age. It is unlawful to misrepresent your answer to this question.

General Use Rules.

Website is for personal use only and not to be used in any other way than searching for a job, career advice or other career related activity. You cannot sell or reproduce the information on this website in any other capacity. Career.VI reserves the right to limit a particular users access to a certain number of resumes.  This allows Career.VI to monitor above average usage to make sure that use is appropriate and in line with the terms and conditions of this policy.


Career.VI prohibits its user from trying to breach the security measures in place on Career.VI . Management will not hesitate to notify local authorities on a user found to be trying to breach security measures. We take the security of our users very seriously and will take every possible measure to secure it; however, we cannot gaurantee neither can be held accountable for the breach of security by the hackers or malacious software. Breach of security is defined the following ways:
1. If the user tries to post a job that is misleading or false. All information for a position must be in good faith and an actual position with an actual registered company. No posting of the following types of positions:
a. Talent search
b. A sales representative position that requires an upfront payment
c. A franchise opportunity, pyramid or multi-level marketing position or any other position that is commission-only that is not clearly stated as such in the job description or that requires the recruitment of other individuals in order to comply.
2. If an employer that searches resumes and sends unsolicited email or mail to users of Career.VI .
3. If a user of the Career.VI site uses and duplicates any information on the website for personal or commercial use without the notification and written approval of Career.VI .

Also breach may happen by hackers or malacious software which is beyond our control. It is highly important that you set up a secure password in accordance with the secure password rules on the internet and change it periodically.

Jobseeker User Content and Resume Submission:
You, the user, agree that in submitting your personal information, you will not impersonate any person, or submit any materials to Career.VI that are false, inaccurate, misleading, unlawful, or are otherwise in violation of your obligations under these Terms.

You agree that in submitting your information, you are making your information public to employers that are interested in looking for candidates, recruiting and/or filling open positions with their company. You should know that those employers have also agreed to the terms and conditions of this website use. If you feel an employer is contacting you in a way that violates the policy and terms of use, Career.VI asks that you notify them immediately.

Career.VI is only an intermediary agent in the employment process between potential employers and jobseekers. Career.VI is not responsible for screening or verifying personal information for each individual user, as you, the user, has already agreed to present yourself in a honest and professional manner. Career.VI does have the right to screen personal information and remove offensive material or information that violates applicable laws, rules or regulations, is abusive, disruptive, offensive or illegal, or violates the rights of, or harms or threatens the safety of anyone. Career.VI reserves the right to expel a user and prevent their further access to the Career.VI for violating the terms and conditions or applicable laws, rules or regulations. Career.VI may take any action with respect to user content that it deems necessary or appropriate in its sole discretion if it believes that such information could be create a liability for company.

Despite the numerous attempts in the terms and conditions of this document, Career.VI can still not guarantee the accuracy of information listed on Career.VI. Since the users are responsible for the information and material they present. Career.VI will do everything they can to make involve themselves in preventing and eliminating false and inaccurate information. If Career.VI is notified of inappropriate material, which may not conform to these Terms, Career.VI may investigate and determine whether to take any other actions whether to remove or request the removal of the information. It would be inappropriate/possibly illegal for Career.VI to inform the alleger of how the situation progresses, so Career.VI has no liability or responsibility for disclosing the result of the allegation.


You are responsible for your confidential login information and password. You agree not to share it with any other person or party, temporarily or permanently. You, and only you, are responsible for all uses of your Career.VI registrations and passwords, whether or not authorized by You. You agree to immediately notify Career.VI of any unauthorized use of your account. CareerVI takes every possible measure to secure your information, however, we do not gaurantee and will not be held responsible should your information is compromised by hackers or malacious software.

Career.VI acts as a meeting place for employers to post job opportunities and candidates to post resumes and their personal profile. Career.VI is not responsible for anything other than providing a venue for the two to meet.
Career.VI would like to make all its users aware of the risks involved with presenting your information publicly on the internet, especially in and dealing with strangers, foreign nationals, underage persons or people acting under false pretenses. The user assumes all risks associated with dealing with other users. If you come across a person or information that is offensive, harmful or inaccurate, Career.VI expects that you will use caution and common sense. Career.VI is not liable for any information that was presented in a misleading, false or deceptive way.
Career.VI may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. Career.VI makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the website. The use of Career.VI is at your own risk. Changes are periodically made to the website and may be made at any time.
Career.VI does not promise any specific results from use of Career.VI. No advice or information, whether oral or written, will not create any warranty of Career.VI’s responsibility to honor employment or other contract.
Links to Other Websites.
Career.VI contain links to third party Web sites. These links are placed on Career.VI as an added value service or resource to you, the user. These sites however are not endorsed by Career.VI nor is Career.VI responsible for information or contact on thse linked third-party websites or the accuracy of materials on these sites. If you decide to link to these third-party websites, you do so at your own risk.
As the user of the Career.VI website, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Career.VI, BiZVI, LLC, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from (i) any user content or other material that you provide to the Career.VI website, (ii) your use of any Career.VI content, or (iii) your breach of the terms of these Terms. Career.VI shall provide notice to you promptly of any such claim, suit, or proceeding.
United States Employment Use.
At this time, Career.VI is only for use for U.S. based positions. Employment law and hiring practices varies from country to country and any and all positions posted on this website are subject to US Federal and local hiring practices. As a user of the website, you are asked if you have work authorization in the United States. Career.VI expects that all users applying for jobs have this authorization and it is up to the employer to verify and solidy that this information is correct.
Term and Termination.
As a user of the Career.VI website, these terms are in effect as long as you are a user of the website. Career.VI reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to pursue al of its legal remedies, including but not limited to removal of your user content from Career.VI and immediate termination of your registration with or ability to access Career.VI, upon any breach of these Terms or if Career.VI is unable to verify or authenticate any information which you submit to Career.VI or pursuant to other Career.VI  websiteregistration.

EFAX Service
Although it is Career.VI's intension to provide free services to the Employers by efaxing their job postings to the VI Department of Labor, in some cases, due to some unforeseen circumstance beyond our control, we can not guarantee that the system will successfully send the information correctly. It is still the responsibility of the Employer to verify with the VI Department of Labor that they, in fact, received the fax at their office.

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Users Saying

I love you guys, and I like the way you treat me. You never forgot to send me not just the new jobs, and opportunities, but congratulate me on each holiday with wishes. Thank you for your professionalism and Happy Valentines Day to You. Thank you.

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