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Branch Operations Assistant - ONET Job Title: (Business Operations Specialists, not listed separately)
Industry: Monetary Authorities - Central Bank share on twitter share on Facebook
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Job Title:   Branch Operations Assistant
ONET Job Title:   Business Operations Specialists, not listed separately
Industry:   Monetary Authorities - Central Bank
Job Type:   Full Time
Job Location:   Tortola
Minimum Education:   Bachelors Degree
Career Level:   Experienced (Non-Manager)
Minimum Experience:   3 Years
Apply By:   Feb 25, 2023
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Job Description:

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General Description

Support the Operations Assistant Manager in Branch daily operations and oversee branches transaction operations.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

Support Operations Assistant Manager on the following: maintain level of weighted transactions per Bank Representative and appropriate cash level, monitor Bank Representative’s daily cash drawer balances, completion of documents according to all banking regulations and Corporation policies. Coordinate operations to meet service standards for waiting time on the line.  May solve customers needs.  


Supervisory Responsibilities:

This job has no supervisory responsibilities but in special circumstances may lead the work of others.

Minimum Education

Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration


At least three years of related experience.

Certifications / Licenses

No certifications or license needed.


Analytical Discipline
Collaboration & Teamwork
Change Agent
Customer Centric
Self Development
Business Excellence

Additional Information

The information provided here is only a general guide as to the nature of the position and does not constitute an exact description of the goals, tasks, duties and responsibilities of the position. The specific details of each position are described in the employee’s performance evaluation.

Company Information More jobs from this company 
Company Name: Popular
Company Description:
About Popular Popular has been evolving constantly since it was founded over a century ago. From a small bank it has developed into a large Corporation that offers a great variety of financial products and services, with a presence in the United States, the Caribbean and Latin America.
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I would love to move to the Islands. I visited them back in '05 and wish I could have stayed there then. Beautiful waters and the people were so nice.

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