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Merchandiser - ONET Job Title: (Demonstrators and Product Promoters)
Industry: Human Resources and Executive Search Consulting Services share on twitter share on Facebook
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Job Title:   Merchandiser
ONET Job Title:   Demonstrators and Product Promoters
Industry:   Human Resources and Executive Search Consulting Services
Job Type:   Permanent
Job Location:   St. Croix
Minimum Education:   High School Diploma
Career Level:   Entry Level
Minimum Experience:   1 Year
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Job Description:

The Merchandiser is responsible for ensuring that products marketed by the Company and its Principals maintain optimum visibility wherever they are promoted or sold, are correctly priced and are in good condition, with the overall aim of maximizing sales.


·         Places and maintains plan-o-grams and other written instructions for products in assigned stores to ensure that items are displayed in the desired manner.

·         Maintains the cleanliness and appearance of shelf space and products in assigned areas to ensure optimal exposure.

·         Removes products which are damaged or which are at or beyond the stipulated expiry cut off from shelves in a prompt manner.

·         Ensures proper stock rotation by drawing stocks form the stores’ storerooms and repacking shelves when necessary.

·         Sets up gondola ends when required to increase visibility of products.

·         Provides information to retailers regarding products, including but not limited to product prices and promotional activity, in a timely manner.

·         Ensures that products have the correct price signs and that they are always visible.

·         Ensures that any promotional offers that are supposed to be ongoing are being executed in assigned outlets.

·         Generates required reports, including but not limited to those on stock-outs, damaged goods and expired goods, and informs Sales Representatives of such in a timely manner.

·         Liaises with Sales Representatives to address any issues which may arise in a timely manner to maintain good working relationships with stores.

·         Develops trade relationships with customers’ lane supervisors, lane attendants and warehouse personnel.

·         Plans all intended visits for each day in advance to meet established targets, and informs relevant personnel of failure to do so.

·         Gains approval for and places promotional materials as appropriate.

·         Seeks out sales or display opportunities continuously and negotiates increased facings or improved location if appropriate, to ensure that the Company’s products are in the most advantageous locations.

·         Monitors competitive activity, notes any changes and advises the relevant personnel of same.

·         Takes note of sales trends and customer preferences by analyzing sales patterns and auditing consumer responses, and relays such information to relevant Company personnel.

·         Receives orders on behalf of Sales Representatives if necessary to ensure a continuous supply of the Company’s products at outlets.


Skills Required



ü  A High School Diploma




ü  At least one (1) year experience in a similar capacity would be an asset.



Company Information More jobs from this company 
Company Name: DDM Professional Leasing Services
Company Description:
DDM Professional Leasing Services, a part of BMA Group is a Human Resources Consulting firm that provides innovative business solutions to help our clients thrive in today\'s ever-changing marketplace.
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