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Trade Pro - ONET Job Title: (Demonstrators and Product Promoters)
Industry: Business to Business Electronic Markets share on twitter share on Facebook
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Job Title:   Trade Pro
ONET Job Title:   Demonstrators and Product Promoters
Industry:   Business to Business Electronic Markets
Job Type:   Full Time
Job Location:   St. Croix, St. Thomas
Minimum Education:   High School Diploma
Career Level:   Student (Undergraduate/Graduate)
Minimum Experience:   1 Year
Work Permit:   Virgin Islands (US)
Salary Range:   USD. 1500 to 1900/Per Month
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Job Description:



  • Implement every marketing activity inside Retail.
  • Ensure the correct merchandising application and sales approach towards potential consumers in order to increase  products sell out.
  • Influence (using training and relationship skills) store sales reps to make them prefer our product as the first recommendation for store customer.
  • Also responsible for gathering basic information by using predefined survey/forms in order to feed a competitor database.  
  • Act inside retail or a group of retails (full time, part time), according to the Retail Classification.




  • Proactive sales approach towards potential consumers.
  • Negotiate hot spots inside retail, placement and maintenance of POP material, including seasonal occasions when we’ll allocate seasonal sales reps for enhance product sell out.
  • Support retail sales force in product knowledge by doing basic product demonstrations and answer basic questions about key product features.
  • Build a trustful & strong relationship with retailers, stores staff and distributors.
  • Responsible for stock control in the attended retails to provide correct availability our products.
  • Gather basic market information from the retail, by using pre-defined surveys and other forms.
  • Inform competitor’s activities and sales development to the team leader through pre-defined report.
  • Identify consumer needs and others opportunities to the brand. (e.g. training).

Skills Required

  • Sales
  • Customer service
  • Results oriented
  • Teamwork
  • Responsibility

Company Information More jobs from this company 
Company Name: GomezLee Marketing
Company Description:
We do only one thing. Commercial Marketing. And we do it well. We are a full-service Trade Marketing Agency and we help consumer brands grow sales through their different routes to market and at the points of sale where they are present.
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