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Environmental Specialist - ONET Job Title: (Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health)
Industry: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction share on twitter share on Facebook
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Job Title:   Environmental Specialist
ONET Job Title:   Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health
Industry:   Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction
Job Type:   Full Time
Job Location:   ,
Minimum Education:   Bachelors Degree
Career Level:   Experienced (Non-Manager)
Minimum Experience:   5 Years
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Job Description:

Minimum of a BSc in Environmental Science or related field

A minimum of five (5) years’ experience in natural hazards, monitoring of environmental conditions and designing interventions. Proven experience in conducting EIAs and preparing EMPs on similar projects.

Company Information More jobs from this company 
Company Name: INCGROUP
Company Description:
INCGROUP is a spanish consulting company with more than 30 years of worldwide experience
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