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Full Time Maintenance - ONET Job Title: (Grounds Maintenance Workers, not listed separately)
Industry: Pharmacies and Drug Stores share on twitter share on Facebook
 Job Details
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Job Title:   Full Time Maintenance
ONET Job Title:   Grounds Maintenance Workers, not listed separately
Industry:   Pharmacies and Drug Stores
Job Type:   Full Time
Job Location:   St. Thomas
Minimum Education:   Not Applicable
Career Level:   Experienced (Non-Manager)
Minimum Experience:   1 Year
Work Permit:   United States
Salary Range:   . 12 to 16/Per Hour
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Job Description:

We are looking for a full time maintenance person to join our team at Doctors Choice Pharmacy!

We have six locations throughout the US Virgin Islands. We need a handy person who can help us with the daily upkeep of our stores. Reliable transportation is required and experience is preferred.  We look forward to hearing from you!

  • Pressure Washing

  • Painting

  • Light Electric Work

  • AC Unit Checks

  • Light Bulb changes

  • Lite landscaping

  • Rust/Mold Prevention

  • Water Filter Checks

  • Light Carpentry

  • Generator checks and maintenance (fuel, oil, gas)

  • Weekly stripping and buffing of floors

  • Sending weekly reports

  • On-Call for emergency



To apply send your resume to

or call 340.777.1400 to speak with a manager

Company Information More jobs from this company 
Company Name: Doctors Choice Pharmacy
Company Description:
Small chain of pharmacies on St. Thomas and St. Croix.
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