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Sales Manager - ONET Job Title: (Sales Managers)
Industry: Human Resources and Executive Search Consulting Services share on twitter share on Facebook
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Job Title:   Sales Manager
ONET Job Title:   Sales Managers
Industry:   Human Resources and Executive Search Consulting Services
Job Type:   Permanent
Job Location:   St. Thomas
Minimum Education:   Bachelors Degree
Career Level:   Manager
Minimum Experience:   5 Years
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Job Description:

The Sales Manager will be responsbile for leading the sales team n achieving targets for the designated sales region.


Ensure ambitious target setting & monitor closely for performance.

• Coach the Field Sales force for Performance in relation to the targets set and build a winning spirit within his/her team.

• Lead the Field Sales Force by showing the example.

• Ensure streamlined implementation of the customer strategy at POS in order to further build market share.

• Prepare and lead the Sales Team Meetings with focus on results vs. targets set. Together with the sales team, identify & implement actions for closing possible results gaps in the concerned POS when they occur.

• Define guidelines for coverage planning.

• Follow up of field budgets versus incremental sales per rep.

• Build excellent relationships with the regional/local responsible manager of the concerned customers.

• Gather and provide competitive information to headquarters on a regular and continuous basis.

• Ensure adequate management of sales resources during illness/vacation.

• Evaluate sales team on personal performance and contribution based on facts and observable data.

Professional Skills: (The minimum requirement from the JSP should be described, incl degrees 

Skills Required

- Strong negotiator

-Excellent communicator

-Understands financial terms and measures

- Degree in Sales or related field

-Five (5) years proven sales experience 

Company Information More jobs from this company 
Company Name: DDM Professional Leasing Services
Company Description:
DDM Professional Leasing Services, a part of BMA Group is a Human Resources Consulting firm that provides innovative business solutions to help our clients thrive in today\'s ever-changing marketplace.
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