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Operations Manager - ONET Job Title: (Supervisors/Managers of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers)
Industry: Marinas share on twitter share on Facebook
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Job Title:   Operations Manager
ONET Job Title:   Supervisors/Managers of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers
Industry:   Marinas
Job Type:   Full Time
Job Location:   Tortola
Minimum Education:   Not Applicable
Career Level:   Experienced (Non-Manager)
Minimum Experience:   10 Years
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Job Description:

Operations manager to be responsible for day-to-day operation of busy, high-end private yacht management company. Job duties include, but are not limited to:



  • When required, move customers’ boats to and from any location in BVI, USVI and any other surrounding geographical areas;
  • Diagnose issues with any part of the customers’ boats, including but not limited to: mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems (including watermakers), rigging, varnish, fiberglass and gel coat, stainless steel, outboard engines, etc., and fix many of the issues found, or work with staff or sub-contractors to ensure the issues are addressed timely and properly;
  • Managing staff, including identifying where schedules can be arranged, or rearranged, to ensure the team is working as profitably as possible;
  • Coordinating service coverage for weekends when required (this may require weekend time by Operations Manager);
  • Manage staffing needs, and consult with Director(s) to determine if at any time the company is under- or over-staffed;
  • Inventory control, including ensuring parts used for customers’ benefits are billed accordingly;
  • Coordinate and ensure care and maintenance for all company owned property so that equipment works well, is available whenever needed and the company continues to present itself well in every location in which it/staff is working;
  • Coordination of sub-contractor projects, including managing costs and ensuring timely and proper completion of jobs;
  • Communicating with customers in person, by phone or by email (as needed), reviewing works completed and selling additional services wherever possible;
  • Continually work to identify new customers and more work;
  • Regular, or, at the very least, daily, email checks (both general inbox and Operations Manager-specific inbox) and initiating, responding to and following up email contact as necessary, ensuring that communications are as prompt as the situation requires;
  • Working with Office Manager and any other relevant staff to review monthly invoices so they are delivered to the customers promptly at the end of each month, or at the end of a project if the case requires;
  • Periodically review with Director(s) and/or Office Manager the company’s financials with a view to ensuring the company remains as profitable as possible; and,
  • Continually consider new opportunities for the company (such as new service lines to offer, new locations for office space and/or storage space which would be more beneficial to the company that what is currently used) so that it may continue to grow its profitability.


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Skills Required

Successful candidate should, but is not necessarily required to:


  • Be very responsible and able to work without supervision, as part of a larger team;
  • Have 10+ years' experience maintaining (to include extensive mechanical experience) and operating various types of yachts;
  • Have experience managing staff;
  • Be detail-oriented and have exceptional communication skills (both verbal and in writing);
  • Be able to provide very complimentary references; and,
  • Be willing to make a long-term commitment to the Company.


Company Information More jobs from this company 
Company Name: BVI Yacht Management
Company Description:
We are a highly regarded and successful private yacht management company founded in the '80s.
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