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Nanny - ONET Job Title: ()
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Job Title:   Nanny
ONET Job Title:  
Job Type:   Permanent
Job Location:   St. Thomas
Minimum Education:   High School Diploma
Career Level:   Entry Level
Minimum Experience:   1 Year
Work Permit:   Virgin Islands (US)
Required Travel:   50 %
Salary Range:   USD. 20 to 30/Per Year
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Job Description:

The most important task is to help take care if identical twin toddler girls. This entails playing with them, alone at times as well as with their mother or father at times. Usual activities are taking them to the beach, park, coral world butterfly farm etc... Help feed them, cook for them as well as the family, cleaning up after them as well as keeping the kitchen clean after meal times, doing laundry, and running errands like grocery shopping. Basically help with whatever needs to be done. We live half time in the VI and the other half in northern california, just north of san francisco.  We are looking for someone who could commit for one year minimum to be with us, and are flexible regarding live in or out and the salary would relect this arrangement. If it were a live in situation then room and board would be included. Therefore this would entail coming to california with us for half the year. The position starts in June when we transition back to california. We basically spend the summer /fall in california and the winter/spring here in St thomas.

Skills Required

Experience with toddlers is preferred. A love of children an absolute. A positive and loving attitude, and a flexible demeanor, as children demand these qualities if nothing else. Somone with lots of energy and playfulness as we have very active and fun loving little girlies. Preferred CPR training, although becoming certified before joining us would be acceptable. Must have a driver's liscence and be a competent driver. Must be a competent swimmer.

Company Information More jobs from this company 
Company Name: Culbertson
Company Description:
Family of four.
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