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Satellite, Wideband and Telemetry Systems - ONET Job Title: ()
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Job Title:   Satellite, Wideband and Telemetry Systems
ONET Job Title:  
Job Type:   Part Time
Job Location:   St. Croix
Minimum Education:   High School Diploma
Career Level:   Student (Undergraduate/Graduate)
Minimum Experience:   Not Necessary
Work Permit:   Virgin Islands (US)
Required Travel:   25 %
Salary Range:   USD. 210.68 to 300.00/Per Month
Apply By:   Sep 30, 2010
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Job Description:

Installs, maintains, modifies, and operates satellite and wideband communications systems.  Included are troposphere scatter and line-of-sight radios, earth terminals, multiplex, and signaling and termination equipment.  Configures earth terminal equipment.  Establishes and maintains communications link with distant earth terminals.  Operates earth terminal control console, and monitors system performance indicators.  Manages wideband and earth terminal facilities or activities. 

Skills Required


Company Information More jobs from this company 
Company Name: VI Air National Guard
Company Description:
The Virgin Islands Air National Guard is a military installation that provides telecommunications services to support worldwide communications tasking from Air Combat Command. To also, provide a unit who is organized and trained to provide emergency communications services and to respond to the protection of life and property and preservation of peace, order and public safety.
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I would love to move to the Islands. I visited them back in '05 and wish I could have stayed there then. Beautiful waters and the people were so nice.

charlie smith
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