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Electrician - ONET Job Title: ()
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Job Title:   Electrician
ONET Job Title:  
Job Type:   Part Time
Job Location:   St. John, St. Thomas, St. Croix
Minimum Education:   Not Applicable
Career Level:   Student (Undergraduate/Graduate)
Minimum Experience:   Not Necessary
Work Permit:   Virgin Islands (US)
Required Travel:   Not Required
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specializing in electrical wiring of buildings and related equipment. Electricians may be employed in the installation of new electrical components or the maintenance and repair of existing electrical infrastructure.

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Company Name: Virgin Islands National Guard
Company Description:
What do you want to do for a living? Program computers? Fly? Whatever your dream job is, there's a corresponding career in the National Guard that will train you for it. When you join the Guard, you choose an MOS, or Military Occupational Specialty, from more than 200 exciting options. After Basic Training, in Advanced Individual Training (AIT), you go hands-on learning-then-doing-this job. Along with being fascinating and fun, this job acts as training ground for dozens of exciting, lucrative careers in the private sector. It's a tough world out there. But Guard members have advantages. We place you ahead of the pack. Employers are looking for experience and leadership, and when they see the National Guard on your résumé, they know you've got it.
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