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FAQs of Questions from the Employers
Q How do I meet my legal obligation to local Department of Labor of information them of any job openings with my company?
Q Is there a fee associated with posting a job on Career.VI?
Q Is there a limitation on number of jobs that can be posted free on Career.VI?
Q What should I do if I receive resumes in WPS and ZIP formats?
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How do I meet my legal obligation to local Department of Labor of information them of any job openings with my company?

Career.VI takes away the headache of meeting your legal obligation to local Department of Labor of informing about your job openings. Our robust job posting system allows you to send your job opening to the local Department of Labor of your choice with just one click. All you need to do is to select the appropriate local Department of Labor office and our system will convert your job opening into their format and automatically fax it to them while keeping complete confidentiality. This service is absolutely FREE for all the employers and offer you great value for your time.


Is there a fee associated with posting a job on Career.VI?

No, there is no fee associated with posting a job on Career.VI. Its a completely FREE platform for all employers. Feel free to upload your open jobs and tap into a larger market to get the best value for your invested time.


Is there a limitation on number of jobs that can be posted free on Career.VI?

No, there is no limitation on the number of jobs that you can post free on Career.VI. Post 1 or 100 or even more, its absolutely FREE for all employers.


What should I do if I receive resumes in WPS and ZIP formats?

Many job seekers upload their resume in Microsoft Word's .doc format; however, few choose to use Microsoft Works as their word processing software and some use Microsoft Office Suite 2007. The resume uploaded in Microsoft Works format carry .WPS extension and can be opened with Microsoft Works which is available online and normally comes with new computer productivity suits. The resumes uploaded in Microsoft Office Suite 2007 show their format in ZIP files. If you use any earlier version of Microsoft Office i.e. 2003 and earlier, you may not be able to open a resume sent to you in the latest version of Microsoft Office. In this case, you can either get a newer version of Microsoft Office or can ask the job seeker to send you his/her resume again in the acceptable format. Applicant's contact information can be obtained by clicking on the job seeker's name.



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